Source code for glooey.drawing.artists

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import pyglet
import autoprop
from vecrec import Vector, Rect
from collections import defaultdict
from import *
from glooey.helpers import *
from glooey.drawing.grid import Grid
from glooey.drawing.color import Color

[docs]@autoprop class Artist(HoldUpdatesMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, batch, group, count, mode, data, hidden=False): super().__init__() self._batch = batch self._group = group self._count = count self._mode = mode self._data = data self._vertex_list = None if batch and not hidden: self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertex_list()
[docs] def get_batch(self): return self._batch
[docs] def set_batch(self, new_batch): if self._batch is not new_batch: if self._batch is not None: self._batch.migrate( self._vertex_list, self._mode, self._group, new_batch) self._batch = new_batch
[docs] def get_group(self): return self._group
[docs] def set_group(self, new_group): if self._group is not new_group: self._group = new_group self._update_group()
[docs] def get_count(self): return self._count
[docs] def get_mode(self): return self._mode
[docs] def get_vertex_list(self): return self._vertex_list
[docs] def hide(self): if self._vertex_list: self._vertex_list.delete() self._vertex_list = None
[docs] def show(self): if not self._vertex_list: self._create_vertex_list() self._update_vertex_list()
[docs] def _create_vertex_list(self): self._vertex_list = self._batch.add( self._count, self._mode, self._group_factory(self._group), *self._data)
[docs] def _update_vertex_list(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _group_factory(self, parent): return parent
[docs] @update_function def _update_group(self): if self._vertex_list is not None: self._batch.migrate( self._vertex_list, self._mode, self._group_factory(self._group), self._batch, )
[docs]@autoprop class Rectangle(Artist):
[docs] def __init__(self, rect=None, color='green', *, batch=None, group=None, usage='static', hidden=False): self._rect = rect or Rect.null() self._color = Color.from_anything(color) data = 'v2f/' + usage, 'c4B/' + usage super().__init__(batch, group, 4, GL_QUADS, data, hidden)
[docs] def get_rect(self): return self._rect
[docs] def set_rect(self, new_rect): self._rect = new_rect self.update_rect()
[docs] def update_rect(self): """ Call this method to update the tile after you've made an in-place change to its rectangle. """ if self.vertex_list: self.vertex_list.vertices = ( self._rect.bottom_left.tuple + self._rect.bottom_right.tuple + self._rect.top_right.tuple + self._rect.top_left.tuple )
[docs] def get_color(self): return self._color
[docs] def set_color(self, new_color): self._color = Color.from_anything(new_color) self.update_color()
[docs] def update_color(self): if self.vertex_list: self.vertex_list.colors = 4 * self._color.tuple
[docs] def _update_vertex_list(self): self.update_rect() self.update_color()
[docs]@autoprop class Outline(Artist):
[docs] def __init__(self, rect=None, color='green', *, batch=None, group=None, usage='static', hidden=False): self._rect = rect or Rect.null() self._color = Color.from_anything(color) data = 'v2f/' + usage, 'c4B/' + usage super().__init__(batch, group, 8, GL_LINES, data, hidden)
[docs] def get_rect(self): return self._rect
[docs] def set_rect(self, new_rect): self._rect = new_rect self.update_rect()
[docs] def update_rect(self): """ Call this method to update the tile after you've made an in-place change to its rectangle. """ if self.vertex_list: # Shrink the rectangle by half-a-pixel so there's no ambiguity # about where the line should be drawn. (The problem is that the # widget rect is always rounded to the nearest pixel, but OpenGL # doesn't seem deterministic about which side of the pixel it draws # the line on.) rect = self._rect.get_shrunk(0.5) self.vertex_list.vertices = ( rect.bottom_left.tuple + # Don't know why this offset is necessary, but without it # the bottom-right pixel doesn't get filled in... (rect.bottom_right + (1,0)).tuple + rect.bottom_right.tuple + rect.top_right.tuple + rect.top_right.tuple + rect.top_left.tuple + rect.top_left.tuple + rect.bottom_left.tuple )
[docs] def get_color(self): return self._color
[docs] def set_color(self, new_color): self._color = Color.from_anything(new_color) self.update_color()
[docs] def update_color(self): if self.vertex_list: self.vertex_list.colors = 8 * self._color.tuple
[docs] def _update_vertex_list(self): self.update_rect() self.update_color()
[docs]@autoprop class Tile(Artist):
[docs] def __init__(self, rect, image, *, htile=False, vtile=False, blend_src=GL_SRC_ALPHA, blend_dest=GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, batch=None, group=None, usage='static', hidden=False): self._rect = rect self._image = image self._htile = htile self._vtile = vtile self._blend_src = blend_src self._blend_dest = blend_dest data = 'v2f/' + usage, 't2f/' + usage super().__init__(batch, group, 4, GL_QUADS, data, hidden)
[docs] def get_rect(self): return self._rect
[docs] def set_rect(self, new_rect): if self._rect != new_rect: self._rect = new_rect self.update_rect()
[docs] def update_rect(self): """ Call this method to update the tile after you've made an in-place change to its rectangle. """ self._update_vertex_list()
[docs] def get_image(self): return self._image
[docs] def set_image(self, new_image, htile=None, vtile=None): # Don't bother redrawing everything if nothing changed. if self._image is new_image: if htile is None or self._htile == htile: if vtile is None or self._vtile == vtile: return self._image = new_image if htile is not None: self._htile = htile if vtile is not None: self._vtile = vtile self._update_group() self._update_vertex_list()
[docs] def get_htile(self): return self._htile
[docs] def set_htile(self, new_htile): if self._htile != new_htile: self._htile = new_htile self._update_vertex_list()
[docs] def get_vtile(self): return self._vtile
[docs] def set_vtile(self, new_vtile): if self._vtile != new_vtile: self._vtile = new_vtile self._update_vertex_list()
[docs] def get_blend_src(self): return self._blend_src
[docs] def set_blend_src(self, new_blend_src): if self._blend_src != new_blend_src: self._blend_src = new_blend_src self._update_group()
[docs] def get_blend_dest(self): return self._blend_dest
[docs] def set_blend_dest(self, new_blend_dest): if self._blend_dest != new_blend_dest: self._blend_dest = new_blend_dest self._update_group()
[docs] @update_function def _update_vertex_list(self): if self._vertex_list is None: return texture = self._image.get_texture() # Get the actual texture (not just a region of a texture) associated # for this image. This will be used to make sure that try: underlying_texture = texture.owner except AttributeError: underlying_texture = texture # Figure out which texture coordinates are bound to which vertices. # This is not always an intuitive mapping, because textures can be # rotated by changing which texture coordinates are bound to which # vertices. The in-line diagram shows which vertex is represented by # each variable in the case that the image hasn't been rotated. a = Vector(*texture.tex_coords[0:2]) # D┌───┐C b = Vector(*texture.tex_coords[3:5]) # │ │ c = Vector(*texture.tex_coords[6:8]) # │ │ d = Vector(*texture.tex_coords[9:11]) # A└───┘B # Give a really nice error message if the image can't be tiled, because # the restrictions on which images can be tiled don't make sense unless # you really know how OpenGL works. error_template = """\ image can't be tiled {} because it's {} than its underlying texture ({} px vs {} px). The most common way to get this error is to use an image that doesn't have a power-of-two size (e.g. 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.) in each dimension being tiled. OpenGL requires that textures have power-of-two dimensions, so images with non-power-of-two sizes end up in textures with some unused space. This unused space is usually not shown, but tiling requires showing the whole texture in the dimension being tiled, so the unused space would ruin the effect. Another common way to get this error is by loading the image as an `image` rather than a `texture`. Pyglet tries to be smart about packing images into contiguous regions of memory, and sometimes this means putting images in textures that are larger than they need to be. Loading the image as a texture avoids this logic at the expense of less well-organized memory.""" if self._htile: if self._image.width != underlying_texture.width: raise UsageError(error_template.format('horizontally', 'narrower', self._image.width, underlying_texture.width)) w = self._rect.width / self._image.width else: w = a.get_distance(b) if self._vtile: if self._image.height != underlying_texture.height: raise UsageError(error_template.format('vertically', 'shorter', self._image.height, underlying_texture.height)) h = self._rect.height / self._image.height else: h = a.get_distance(d) A = a B = a + (b - a).get_scaled(w) C = a + (c - d).get_scaled(w) + (c - b).get_scaled(h) D = a + (d - a).get_scaled(h) self._vertex_list.tex_coords = A.tuple + B.tuple + C.tuple + D.tuple self._vertex_list.vertices = ( self._rect.bottom_left.tuple + self._rect.bottom_right.tuple + self._rect.top_right.tuple + self._rect.top_left.tuple )
[docs] def _group_factory(self, parent): return pyglet.sprite.SpriteGroup( self._image.get_texture(), self._blend_src, self._blend_dest, parent=parent, )
[docs]@autoprop class Background(HoldUpdatesMixin): """\ Auto-tiling: Basically the assumption is that if we specify images for one side (e.g. the top), then we will be tiling in the direction orthogonal to that side (e.g. vertically for the top). """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, rect=None, color=None, outline=None, image=None, center=None, top=None, bottom=None, left=None, right=None, top_left=None, top_right=None, bottom_left=None, bottom_right=None, vtile='auto', htile='auto', batch=None, group=None, usage='static', hidden=False): super().__init__() self._grid = Grid( num_rows=3, num_cols=3, default_row_height=0, default_col_width=0, ) self._rect = rect self._color = None self._color_artist = None self._color_group = None self._outline = None self._outline_artist = None self._outline_group = None self._tile_images = {} self._tile_artists = {} self._tile_group = None self._htile = False self._vtile = False self._batch = batch self._group = group self._usage = usage self._hidden = hidden self._update_group() self.set_appearance( color=color, outline=outline, image=image, center=center, top=top, bottom=bottom, left=left, right=right, top_left=top_left, top_right=top_right, bottom_left=bottom_left, bottom_right=bottom_right, htile=htile, vtile=vtile, )
[docs] @update_function def _update_group(self): self._color_group =, self._group) self._outline_group =, self._group) self._tile_group =, self._group) if self._color_artist: = self._color_group if self._outline_artist: = self._outline_group for artist in self._tile_artists.values(): = self._tile_group
[docs] @update_function def _update_tiles(self): if self._hidden or self._rect is None or self._batch is None: return # Create a grid of rectangles with enough space for all the images the # user gave. Whether or not the background can tile (vertically or # horizontally) affects how much space the grid takes up. self._grid.bounding_rect = self._rect self._grid.row_heights = {1: 'expand' if self._vtile else 0} self._grid.col_widths = {1: 'expand' if self._htile else 0} tile_rects = self._grid.make_cells() # Figure out how big the color and outline artists need to be. # Normally they can just fill the whole background. However, if the # images don't tile and only take up a subset of the available space, # we want the rest of the artists to use the same space. apparent_rect = self._grid.rect if self._tile_images else self._rect # Draw a colored rectangle behind everything else if the user provided # a color. have_artist = self._color_artist is not None have_color = self._color is not None if have_color and have_artist: self._color_artist.rect = apparent_rect self._color_artist.color = self._color if have_color and not have_artist: self._color_artist = Rectangle( rect=apparent_rect, color=self._color, batch=self._batch, group=self._color_group, ) if not have_color and have_artist: self._color_artist.hide() self._color_artist = None # Draw an outline if the user requested one. have_artist = self._outline_artist is not None have_outline = self._outline is not None if have_outline and have_artist: self._outline_artist.rect = apparent_rect self._outline_artist.color = self._outline if have_outline and not have_artist: self._outline_artist = Outline( rect=apparent_rect, color=self._outline, batch=self._batch, group=self._outline_group, ) if not have_outline and have_artist: self._outline_artist.hide() self._outline_artist = None # Decide which images to tile. vtile_flags = defaultdict(lambda: False) htile_flags = defaultdict(lambda: False) for ij in (1,0), (1,1), (1,2): vtile_flags[ij] = self._vtile for ij in (0,1), (1,1), (2,1): htile_flags[ij] = self._htile # Draw all the images that the user provided. The logic is a little # complicated to deal with the fact the we might have to add or remove # tile artists. image_keys = set(self._tile_images) artist_keys = set(self._tile_artists) artists_to_add = image_keys - artist_keys artists_to_update = image_keys & artist_keys artists_to_remove = artist_keys - image_keys for ij in artists_to_add: self._tile_artists[ij] = Tile( rect=tile_rects[ij], image=self._tile_images[ij], vtile=vtile_flags[ij], htile=htile_flags[ij], batch=self._batch, group=self._tile_group, ) for ij in artists_to_update: self._tile_artists[ij].rect = tile_rects[ij] self._tile_artists[ij].set_image( self._tile_images[ij], vtile=vtile_flags[ij], htile=htile_flags[ij], ) for ij in artists_to_remove: self._tile_artists[ij].hide() del self._tile_artists[ij]
[docs] def get_rect(self): return self._rect
[docs] def set_rect(self, new_rect): if self._rect != new_rect: self._rect = new_rect self.update_rect()
[docs] def update_rect(self): """ Call this method to update the tile after you've made an in-place change to its rectangle. """ self._update_tiles()
[docs] def get_min_size(self): self._grid.make_claim() return self._grid.min_width, self._grid.min_height
[docs] def get_color(self): return self._color
[docs] def set_color(self, new_color): self._color = new_color self._update_tiles()
[docs] def get_outline(self): return self._outline
[docs] def set_outline(self, new_outline): self._outline = new_outline self._update_tiles()
[docs] def set_image(self, image): self.set_appearance(image=image)
[docs] def get_appearance(self): images = self._tile_images.copy() images['color'] = self._color images['outline'] = self._outline images['htile'] = self._htile images['vtile'] = self._vtile return images
[docs] def set_appearance(self, *, color=None, outline=None, image=None, center=None, top=None, bottom=None, left=None, right=None, top_left=None, top_right=None, bottom_left=None, bottom_right=None, vtile='auto', htile='auto'): if image and center: raise UsageError("""\ specifying both 'image' and 'center' is ambiguous. Both of these options specify an image that should go in the middle of the frame. The only difference is that, if 'htile' or 'vtile' are set to 'auto' (the default value), 'center' enables tiling and 'image' doesn't.""") # Decide whether the background should tile in either dimension. auto_vtile = False auto_htile = False if top or bottom: auto_vtile = True if left or right: auto_htile = True if center and not (top or left or bottom or right): auto_vtile = True auto_htile = True self._vtile = auto_vtile if vtile == 'auto' else vtile self._htile = auto_htile if htile == 'auto' else htile # Store the images in a grid-like data structure. self._color = color self._outline = outline self._tile_images = { ij: img for ij, img in { (0,0): top_left, (0,1): top, (0,2): top_right, (1,0): left, (1,1): center or image, (1,2): right, (2,0): bottom_left, (2,1): bottom, (2,2): bottom_right, }.items() if img is not None} self._grid.min_cell_rects = { ij: Rect.from_size(img.width, img.height) for ij, img in self._tile_images.items()} self._update_tiles()
[docs] def get_batch(self): return self._batch
[docs] def set_batch(self, new_batch): if self._batch is not new_batch: self._batch = new_batch if self._color_artist: self._color_artist.batch = new_batch for artist in self._tile_artists.values(): artist.batch = new_batch
[docs] def get_group(self): return self._group
[docs] def set_group(self, new_group): if self._group != new_group: self._group = new_group self._update_group()
[docs] def get_usage(self): return self._usage
[docs] def set_usage(self, new_usage): if self._usage != new_usage: self._usage = new_usage self._color_artist = None self._tile_artists = {} self._update_tiles()
@property def is_hidden(self): return self._hidden @property def is_empty(self): return not self._color and not self._tile_images
[docs] def get_htile(self): return self._htile
[docs] def get_vtile(self): return self._vtile
[docs] def hide(self): if self._color_artist: self._color_artist.hide() if self._outline_artist: self._outline_artist.hide() for artist in self._tile_artists.values(): artist.hide() self._color_artist = None self._outline_artist = None self._tile_artists = {} self._hidden = True
[docs] def show(self): if self._hidden: self._hidden = False self._update_tiles()