Source code for glooey.misc

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Widgets that don't really fit into any of the other categories.

import pyglet
import autoprop

from vecrec import Vector, Rect
from glooey import drawing
from glooey.widget import Widget
from glooey.images import Background
from glooey.text import Label
from glooey.helpers import *

[docs]@autoprop class Spacer(Widget):
[docs] def __init__(self, min_width=0, min_height=0): super().__init__() self._min_width = min_width self._min_height = min_height
[docs] def do_claim(self): return self._min_width, self._min_height
[docs]@autoprop class Placeholder(Widget): custom_color = 'green' custom_alignment = 'fill'
[docs] def __init__(self, min_width=0, min_height=0, color=None, align=None): super().__init__() self._color = color or self.custom_color self._min_width = min_width self._min_height = min_height self.vertex_list = None self.alignment = align or self.custom_alignment
[docs] def do_claim(self): return self._min_width, self._min_height
[docs] def do_regroup(self): if self.vertex_list is not None: self.batch.migrate( self.vertex_list,,, self.batch)
[docs] def do_draw(self): if self.vertex_list is None: self.vertex_list = self.batch.add( 12,,, 'v2f', 'c4B') # Shrink the rectangle by half-a-pixel so there's no ambiguity about # where the line should be drawn. (The problem is that the widget rect # is always rounded to the nearest pixel, but OpenGL doesn't seem # deterministic about which side of the pixel it draws the line on.) rect = self.rect.get_shrunk(0.5) top_left = rect.top_left top_right = rect.top_right bottom_left = rect.bottom_left bottom_right = rect.bottom_right # Originally I used GL_LINE_STRIP, but I couldn't figure out how to # stop the place holders from connecting to each other (i.e. I couldn't # figure out how to break the line strip). Now I'm just using GL_LINES # instead. self.vertex_list.vertices = ( # The outline. Add one to the bottom right coordinate. I # don't know why this is necessary, but without it the pixel in # the bottom-right corner doesn't get filled in. bottom_left.tuple + (bottom_right + (1,0)).tuple + bottom_right.tuple + top_right.tuple + top_right.tuple + top_left.tuple + top_left.tuple + bottom_left.tuple + # The cross bottom_left.tuple + top_right.tuple + bottom_right.tuple + top_left.tuple ) color = drawing.Color.from_anything(self.color) self.vertex_list.colors = 12 * color.tuple
[docs] def do_undraw(self): if self.vertex_list is not None: self.vertex_list.delete() self.vertex_list = None
[docs] def get_color(self): return self._color
[docs] def set_color(self, new_color): self._color = new_color self._draw()
[docs] def get_min_width(self): return self._min_width
[docs] def set_min_width(self, new_width): self._min_width = new_width self._repack()
[docs] def get_min_height(self): return self._min_height
[docs] def set_min_height(self, new_height): self._min_height = new_height self._repack()
[docs]@autoprop class EventLogger(Placeholder):
[docs] def on_click(self, widget): print(f'{self}.on_click(widget={widget})')
[docs] def on_double_click(self, widget): print(f'{self}.on_double_click(widget={widget})')
[docs] def on_rollover(self, widget, new_state, old_state): print(f'{self}.on_rollover(new_state={new_state}, old_state={old_state})')
[docs] def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers): super().on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers) print(f'{self}.on_mouse_press(x={x}, y={y}, button={button}, modifiers={modifiers})')
[docs] def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, button, modifiers): super().on_mouse_release(x, y, button, modifiers) print(f'{self}.on_mouse_release(x={x}, y={y}, button={button}, modifiers={modifiers})')
[docs] def on_mouse_hold(self, dt): print(f'{self}.on_mouse_hold(dt={dt})')
[docs] def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): super().on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy) print(f'{self}.on_mouse_motion(x={x}, y={y}, dx={dx}, dy={dy})')
[docs] def on_mouse_enter(self, x, y): super().on_mouse_enter(x, y) print(f'{self}.on_mouse_enter(x={x}, y={y})')
[docs] def on_mouse_leave(self, x, y): super().on_mouse_leave(x, y) print(f'{self}.on_mouse_leave(x={x}, y={y})')
[docs] def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): super().on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) print(f'{self}.on_mouse_drag(x={x}, y={y}, dx={dx}, dy={dy}, buttons={buttons}, modifiers={modifiers})')
[docs] def on_mouse_drag_enter(self, x, y): super().on_mouse_drag_enter(x, y) print(f'{self}.on_mouse_drag_enter(x={x}, y={y})')
[docs] def on_mouse_drag_leave(self, x, y): super().on_mouse_drag_leave(x, y) print(f'{self}.on_mouse_drag_leave(x={x}, y={y})')
[docs] def on_mouse_scroll(self, x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y): super().on_mouse_scroll(x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y) print(f'{self}.on_mouse_scroll(x={x}, y={y}, scroll_x={scroll_x}, scroll_y={scroll_y})')
[docs]@autoprop class LoremIpsum(Label):
[docs] def __init__(self, num_sentences=None, num_paragraphs=None, line_wrap=300, **style): text = drawing.lorem_ipsum(num_sentences, num_paragraphs) super().__init__(text, line_wrap=line_wrap, **style)
[docs]@autoprop class FillBar(Widget): Base = Background Fill = Background
[docs] def __init__(self, fraction_filled=0): super().__init__() self._base = self.Base() self._fill = self.Fill() self._fill_fraction = fraction_filled self._fill_group = None self._attach_child(self._base) self._attach_child(self._fill)
[docs] def do_claim(self): min_width = max(self.base.claimed_width, self.fill.claimed_width) min_height = max(self.base.claimed_height, self.fill.claimed_height) return min_width, min_height
[docs] def do_resize(self): self._update_fill()
[docs] def do_regroup_children(self): base_layer =, fill_layer =, self._fill_group = drawing.ScissorGroup(parent=fill_layer) self._update_fill() self._base._regroup(base_layer) self._fill._regroup(self._fill_group)
[docs] def do_draw(self): self._update_fill()
[docs] def get_fill(self): return self._fill
[docs] def get_base(self): return self._base
[docs] def get_fraction_filled(self): return self._fill_fraction
[docs] def set_fraction_filled(self, new_fraction): self._fill_fraction = new_fraction self._update_fill()
[docs] def _update_fill(self): if self._fill_group and self.fill.rect: self._fill_group.rect = self.fill.rect.copy() self._fill_group.rect.width *= self._fill_fraction